When I set out to build RealMaze AR, I knew I wanted to create something that stood apart from the existing maze games on the market. The first thing I did was study the competition. What I discovered surprised me: most virtual maze games allow players to walk through walls. This one "feature" completely undermines the challenge and purpose of solving a maze. If you can simply bypass obstacles by walking through walls, why bother solving the maze at all? It was immediately clear to me that my game would need to fix this flaw.
But why do other virtual mazes let players walk through walls?
The answer lies in the fundamental difference between the real world and virtual environments. In the real world, walls are immovable objects. If you try to push through one, it resists and stops you in your tracks. Virtual walls, however, exist only on your screen. While they look solid, there’s nothing in the real world to physically prevent you from walking right through the space they occupy. The virtual wall might be there visually, but in the physical world, you’re just walking forward unhindered.
This gap between the virtual and the physical makes it tricky to design a maze that can effectively enforce its boundaries. If the player can cheat by walking through walls, the challenge of the maze disappears. For RealMaze AR, this was unacceptable. My priority was to create a game where players actually had to think and navigate, making each maze a real test of skill.
My Solution: Making Virtual Walls Feel Real
To solve this problem, I developed a system within the game’s code that uses collision mechanics to mimic the behavior of real walls. Here’s how it works:
1. Collision Detection: When a player hits a wall in the game, the system detects the collision. Instead of letting the player pass through the wall, the game ensures that the player’s position in the virtual maze doesn’t change.
2. Dynamic Maze Movement: If the player keeps walking forward after hitting a wall, the entire maze moves with the player at the exact same speed and distance they’re moving in real life. To the player, it feels like they’re stuck at the wall, unable to advance further.
3. Stopping When You Stop: The movement of the maze halts as soon as the player stops walking. This ensures the system behaves intuitively, and the player remains "pinned" in the correct spot in the maze.
The result? The wall feels immovable, just like a real wall. If you want to progress, you have to back up and find another path—just like you would in a physical maze.
Adding Real Consequences to Mistakes
Once I had perfected the collision system, I used it to make the game even more challenging. I introduced a penalty mechanic: in some levels, if you touch a wall, the game adds a five-second penalty to your timer. Since the objective is to solve the maze as quickly as possible, this encourages players to move carefully and think strategically rather than rushing blindly.
Behind the Scenes: The Technical Challenge
Creating this system wasn’t as simple as flipping a switch. A lot of technical considerations had to be addressed, including:
- Virtual Mass: I had to assign virtual masses to the player and the maze so the collision mechanics would behave realistically.
- Controlled Movement: The maze is designed to only move in specific directions. For example, it won’t tilt sideways or behave unpredictably when the player walks into a wall.
- Precise Stopping: The maze must stop moving exactly when the player stops moving, creating a seamless and intuitive experience.
I also used the same collision detection system to identify when players successfully reach the exit, represented by a rotating coin. This ensures the game accurately recognizes when the maze has been solved.
The Impact: A Realistic and Engaging Maze Experience
By implementing these features, I transformed RealMaze AR from just another virtual maze game into something truly unique. Not allowing players to walk through walls changes the experience entirely. The mazes feel real, the challenge feels authentic, and players genuinely feel immersed in the game.
This design decision elevates RealMaze AR from a forgettable gimmick to a compelling game that rewards skill, strategy, and perseverance. When players enter the maze, they know they’ll need to rely on their brains—and not just their ability to walk through obstacles—to find the exit.
If you’ve ever wanted to experience the thrill of solving a real maze, RealMaze AR is waiting for you. And don’t worry—our walls won’t budge. 😉